Consortium members




Fraunhofer IIS




Target Customers
The Consortium has identified five groups of target audiences that would potentially benefit from the knowledge acquired during the project. Those mainly consist of private business OEMs that benefit from new RTK solutions directly affecting the provided services.
- Heavy goods vehicle OEMS
- Tier 1 automotive suppliers
- Mobile IoT providers
- Microchip manufacturers
- Autonomous robot manufacturers
Technical and Scientific Audience
Participants in related EU projects, interested in the optimization of future positioning systems for the autonomous vehicle. The scientific community and technical experts are also key audience to dissemination of PRoPART results. Experts will be given open access to the technical publishable results of the project. Presence at conferences through dedicated keynote speeches, conference proceedings, publications in scientific and technological specialized magazines, peer-to-peer communication will further support dissemination towards this target group. The main messages to deliver are the technical results, innovation and progress and future challenges emerged during the project execution.
- Chalmers University of Technology
- Swedish Radio Navigation Board
- University of Navarra (Tecnun)
- Chemnitz University of Technology, Department of Communications Engineering
- Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of Networked Systems and Services (HIT)
Policy makers
Policy makers, authorities and public bodies. EC, national authorities and permitting bodies with competences in the field of PRoPART project are objectives and target groups of these dissemination activities. The messages to send them are the project results, market potential evaluation and lessons learned, generating in this way a contribution to EU policies and directives and to the EU goals achievement. In this way, the raising of awareness and the acceleration of regulatory related processes is expected. It is also important to identify regulatory aspects at European or national levels which could reduce the project dissemination potential.
- GSA European GNSS Agency
- EARPA platform of automotive researchers and is actively contributing to the European Research Area and the future EU RTD funding programmes.
- ERTRAC The European Road Transport Research Advisory Council (ERTRAC) is the European Technology Platform (ETP) for Road Transport.
Standardization Bodies and Advisory Groups
Standardization bodies and advisory groups that are in charge of the definition of standards in the technologies developed within PRoPART and the inclusion in autonomous vehicles of such a system. Contribute directly to standards and raise the awareness on European positioning services. Impact profiles and specifications which are the common baseline for OEMs and TIER1s.
- ISO TC 204 WG 18
- C2C-CC
General public
General public interested in cooperative and autonomous vehicles. Citizen organizations and individual citizens are also a potential audience for dissemination. Entertaining short stories and documentaries, facts about environmental footprint reduction, employment generation, increasing European competitiveness and reducing external dependency are key messages to be sent to the general public, aiming to reduce the existing resistance and motivating early adopters.